Read about all things Charleston
Strictly Review: Sarah Hadland and Vito Coppola
Last Saturday, Strictly Come Dancing presented their Night at the Musicals, This week’s Charleston routine was choreographed by Tommy Franzén and Lizzie Gough, and it was Actress Sarah Hadland and her professional partner Vito Coppola’s turn to dance the Charleston set to the tune ‘Popular’ from the West End stage show Wicked! Did you agree with the score 38/40?
Last Saturday, Strictly Come Dancing presented their Night at the Musicals, where we were treated to all things theatre; ranging from a Mary Poppins themed Viennese Waltz set to the tune Let’s Go Fly a Kite, to an Argentine Tango to the track Ex Wives from SIX the Musical!
This week’s Charleston routine was choreographed by Tommy Franzén and Lizzie Gough, and it was Actress Sarah Hadland and her professional partner Vito Coppola’s turn to celebrate all things Jazz Hands, with a Charleston set to the tune ‘Popular’ from the West End stage show Wicked!
TV presenter Tess Daly, said there has “Never been this many 10s from the judges going into the quarter final before.” So will this theatre themed Charleston add the number and make it increase, or will it be banished away on a broomstick- never to grace the Strictly Ballroom again?
Let’s find out...
The routine opens with Sarah dressed as the Good Witch Glinda, sat in her bedroom quoting a line from the West End performance- perfectly setting the scene for the audience. After a few bars of music, she joins Vito sat on the bed- further establishing the characters and the scene.
The opening was just perfect, with the magic wand being wafted causing Vito to move in time with the music; further adding to the Musical’s theme!
At 0:45, the pair use their character as Glinda and Elphaba to fly straight into the Charleston spirit, with Basic 20s Swivels, Heel Flicks, and a Jazzy walk. Soon after, the pair came together for their first of many impressive lifts- where Vito sweeps Sarah off the ground and tumbles her through the air; perfectly emulating the scene from the stage show.
Later on, at 1:14, the couple complete a further complex lift- leaving the audience screaming with excitement.
After a few hair flicks Sarah completes a series of solo 20s Charleston steps, Birdie Flaps, Suzy Qs, Kicks, Flicks, and a Squat Charleston. (you can learn how to Squat Charleston here).
Further on, the couple simultaneously complete a mini comedic sketch; adding to the classic Charleston vibe, before Vito swings Sarah up-side-down in one swift motion!
Nearing the end of the routine, Sarah and Vito come together to complete another spell-bounding lift, where Sarah is swung from side-to-side imitating a pendulum; after which they had just enough time for a few 30s style Charlestons before Vito Leap-Frogs over Sarah’s head, and they resume their final poses; where they were met with an eruption of applause from both the audience and their fellow contestants.
To begin with, I was sceptical about a Wicked theme Charleston, because I just really love a traditional Jazz song. However, I was blown away by the standard and finesse that this routine possessed. It was clear from the outset that Sarah’s passion and drive to do well, really were at the forefront and her energy was just infectious– making it impossible not to smile throughout. The lifts were also crazy cool- I LOVED every second!
It is clear that I was not alone in my opinions, as one critic exclaimed that they are “Absolutely obsessed with this couple” and another “Could not believe” how the pair managed to dance a Charleston that was “Unconventionally conventional” with regards to partnering music and style.
It seems the Judges were also in agreement with this as Motsi Mabuse shouted “Yes, yes, yes- what a way to open the quarter finals. Thank you for setting the standard today” which Head Judge Shirey then echoed when she exclaimed “Your lifts were flawless.” Anton Du Beke also shares how this routine was a “Wonderful piece of musical theatre, and if [they] were to lift this Charleston into the Show, it would fit right in” which is a wonderful compliment to receive this far into the competition.
Due to this high praise and the fantastic comments that the couple received, they have managed to successfully swivel their way into next week’s Semi-Finals. Whilst Montell Douglas and Johannes Radebe found themselves in the bottom two for the second week running and were unfortunately the next couple to leave the competition.
Craig Revel Horwood - 9
Motsi Mabuse – 9
Shirley Ballas – 10
Anton Du Beke – 10
MyCharleston – 9
By: Eleanor O’Donnell
Our new merchandise
We are currently offering new merchandising which you can pre-order until the 24th January and it will be delivered to our classes for collection from 4th February.
We are currently offering new merchandising which you can pre-order until the 24th January and it will be delivered to our classes for collection from 4th February.
We are offering T-Shirts, Vest Tops, Tote & Shoe bags and even Hoodies.
The Tote Bags is 42 x 38cm with cotton handles and for the Shoe Bags, you could order a small on which is 25 x 30cm big or a medium on which is 20 x 45cm with a drawstring. In the small shoe bag fits one pair of shoes and the Tote and medium bags can hold two pairs of shoes or shoes with a dance kit and a bottle of water.
All bags cost £10.
We are offering our T-Shirts for men and women, but our Vest Tops are currently only available for women. Both, the T-Shirts and the Vest Tops, cost £15.
we are now offering Hoodies, which cost £35.
For more information about the sizes and if you want to pre-order a product click on the link below.
Everything you need to know for our 1920s Afternoon Tea
This weekend is our 1920s Afternoon Tea at the Hilton Brighton Metropole, and because it's just around the corner here is some useful general information.
This weekend we are hosting 1920s Afternoon Tea at the Hilton Brighton Metropole, and because it's just around the corner we wanted to share with you everything you need to know including how to get the 1920s look to what’s on the menu.
First thing to remember, this is not just a regular Afternoon Tea. Throughout the afternoon we have Sam and the Jazz Cats who be playing our favourite Charleston tunes so we can dance the afternoon away. we will be running mini Charleston lessons where you can learn the basic steps and Our MyCharleston dance troupe is also going to perform for you.
If you have not seen the menu yet, take a peak at what is in store. Veggie and vegan options are also available:
What to wear
As this is a 1920s themed Afternoon Tea we would love to see you dressed up in the 1920s style. So we have put together a short 1920s fashion guide.
Fancy 1920s dresses were sleeveless, shapeless, ankle to knee length slip gowns accented with beading, sequins, fringe, and some feathers. Rich jewel tones and soft pastels made the simplest of gowns look expensive. Top it your outfit off with some lavish accessories, such as a diamond tiara or headband, silk shawl, feather fan, long pearl necklace, and gold arm bangles, and you will look like silent movie stars!
Outfits from our past 1920s Afternoon Tea
1920s fashion inspiration from our past 1920s Afternoon Tea
Men found relief in slightly more comfortable dinner jackets (tuxedos) instead of stuffy tailcoats. Many men cast off formal attire all-together and embraced the colourful life of striped suits, flashy neckties, Homburg hats, and gold capped walking sticks.
Hair and Make-up
If you want the complete 1920s look you can have a look at our blog, which we recently wrote, or head over to our Pinterest Board to find some inspiration.
Click here for the hair and make-up blog.
Seating Plan
Our tables are cabaret style which seat six.
The event starts at 1.30 pm on the 24 Nov at the Hilton Brighton Metropole, Kings Rd, Brighton BN1 2FU which is on the Seafront in between of the i360 and the cinema ODEON.
We will be dancing in the Clarence Suite, a converted Chapel from 1819, within the hotel.
If you are planning on coming by car, there are plenty of car parks around such as the Regency Square Car Park (4-minute walk to our venue) or the Churchill Square Car Park (3-minute walk to the venue).
Or you could come to the Afternoon Tea with the bus number 77 which has a stop directly at the i360, called British Airways i360. From the stop to the Hilton Brighton Metropole it is just a one minute walk.
If you now want to book for our Afternoon Tea just follow the link below.
What's in a name?
Its happened, we've changed our name! Elena and I began four years ago with the name ‘I Charleston Brighton’ and it will always have a special place in our hearts. But to understand why we changed I Charleston to MyCharleston you need to know the story of how we began.
Its happened, we've changed our name! Elena and I began four years ago with the name ‘I Charleston Brighton’ and it will always have a special place in our hearts. But to understand why we changed I Charleston to MyCharleston you need to know the story of how we began.
Elena and I performing Charleston together for the first time in 2014
The First I Charleston flyer design
Elena and I became instant fans of Charleston when we performed in a Charleston troupe for a one off show in 2013. We decided we wanted to continue Charleston dancing and whilst looking for a project we discovered 'I Charleston the World.’ These charming films showcased dancers doing the Charleston in iconic locations around their city. So we decided to put Brighton on the map! The problem was no one was running regular Charleston classes in Brighton, so we brushed up our moves, made a flyer and I Charleston Brighton began.
We had no idea what it would develop into but from the first class we ran in January 2014, we fostered a group who were up for filming, learning, performing and socialising. So many of the students from those early classes are now dear friends and collaborators in the much larger business we’ve become.
Elena’s dynamite ability to market, organise and draw people together for the sheer love of dance was a huge part of our success. She gathered the momentum we needed for the film, with interviews on TV, Radio and publications. The film got over 42,000 hits and the Lord Mayor of Brighton came to the launch. By then all this dancing had made me very large and pregnant and on New Years day, January 2015, I had the child I’d waited seven years to conceive, I called him Charleston – not really but I was tempted!
Lucian ‘Charleston’ Creed 1st Nov 2015
Elena and I being interviewed on Juice Radio
The classes expanded and we now had a performance troupe, drawing talent from those early classes. Over the next three years our classes grew and other exciting opportunities came our way such as breaking world records, flashmobs, performances, festivals and speakeasy events. But all this had to fit around full-time jobs and motherhood. We would conduct our business over lunch breaks, evening calls and a lot of chats in car parks!
This summer we decided to throw everything at growing our classes into an actual business after we were accepted on the Entrepreneurial Sparks programme. So many people had told us how much they loved Charleston and wished there was something similar in their area, so we thought lets take our classes to other cities.
Like any new venture it’s been a whirlwind but so interesting and rewarding. One of our first new products was a ‘Dance in a day’ where we took the best moves, music and routines and combined them into a three hour workshop. The response has been phenomenal although the best quote was from I guy who’d been dragged along by his partner and was over heard saying ‘It’s actually alright'.
So there’s the story but why the rebrand? I Charleston Brighton was directly inspired by the ‘I Charleston the World’ project, so it wasn’t our creation. We had also found there was much confusion as to weather it was a small ‘i’ as in apple products or a good old fashioned capital I. We loved the name so much but by simply changing the ‘I’ to a ‘My’ we kept the essence whilst making it personal to all the people who have essentially created our business; Yes you, the dancers who come and embrace this silly wonderful dance every week in class. So whilst we are very happy to have a growing business and love the new designs it is essentially you who have created MyCharleston and for that we thank you.
Goodwood Vintage Revival
When you run a vintage business, you might think the last thing you want to do with your day off is go to a vintage event, but not me! I’ve heard of Goodwood Revival and this year I finally went with a group of friends.
When you run a vintage business, you might think the last thing you want to do with your day off is go to a vintage event, but not me! I’ve heard of Goodwood Revival and this year I finally went with a group of friends.
We had all carefully planned our outfits but when it came to the festival itself no one knew what to expect. Surprisingly, a lot of people still seem to be in the dark about Goodwood Revival, so here is my guide to this event.
Central to the day is the car racing, but if the idea of vintage cars revving their engines and doing laps doesn’t appeal, don’t worry there’s lots more to do and see.
Our day started in the Butlins tent, which we’d ducked into to shelter from the rain. All the staff were dressed in 1950s Butlins uniforms and they had a roller disco with skates which were free to hire. We popped them on and soon discovered that our skating skills had somewhat diminished since we were twelve years old!
We then went for a wander, admiring as we went the wonderful vintage outfits on display. If you’re thinking of going then you should know this is most definitely a dress-up event. On display were the full range of vintage styles, from land-girls (very practical for that days weather) to sixties chic and some super stylish 30s, 40s and 50s inspired outfits. A quick stop for the loo (and it was quick, the facilities were spotless and we felt extra happy to see the men queuing while the women didn’t have to wait!), then we crossed over the bridge into the main site.
Now none of us our petrol heads but the array of vintage vehicles had us all oohing and posing for pictures by these fabulous old cars. We then found an area with live music by a wonderful band called the The Class of 58 they are a family outfit and really got the crowd going with songs like Hand Jive.
More wandering took us to the fabulous Betty’s Vintage Hair and Beauty Salon where you can get your vintage makeover. The vibe was so friendly; when my sister used the mirror to fix her hair one of the ladies offered to style her for free!
The whole day was full of similar friendly encounters and if I were to rate this festival on friendliness it was a definite 10 out of 10. Other activities on offer were dance classes in swing and jive, fairground rides (all included in the price of your ticket) and a fashion show that was brilliantly staged with dance, projections and of course amazing outfits.
After a fun-packed day we took the free shuttle bus back to Chichester station and met even more lovely people on the journey. So we had a final drink with our newfound friends (a group of BA pilots no less) before catching the train home. All in all a great day out and excellent value for money.
Strictly Charleston Raises Over £750
Thank you to everyone who attended The I Charleston Brighton Speakeasy which kicked started the opening weekend of Brighton Fringe at the Spiegeltent. We're chuffed that we raised over £750 for Whoopsadaisy, Sussex based Charity helping children with cerebral palsy, through the Strictly Come Dance-style Charleston Competition. Watch our film about the competition here
In partnership with The Hilton Brighton Metropole, I Charleston Brighton trained three members of staff from the hotel over the past month in preparation of the event. The 3 women, Elizabeth, Agne and Agata were paired with a dancer from Savoy Kicks and braved the dance floor to compete to win votes from the audience to raise money as well as setting up their own JustGiving page
Agata was crowned the 2017 winner. You can see all three full routines here.
The three-hour immersive Charleston dance afternoon included also comparing from Dawn Gracie as well as workshops and performances by Savoy Kicks accompanied by live music from The Soultastics and DJ Basschimp along with the Mighty Dance-off!
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported this event including all of our sponsors and we can't wait to return next year.