Get the look: 1920s make-up and hair
The hair and make-up of the Roaring Twenties is one of the most glamorous eras of all time. We often get asked about the style, so here are some easy ways to recreate the most popular looks at that time.
The most defining make-up look of the 1920s was super-strong smokey eyes, with rose-coloured cheeks, dark-red lips and strikingly arched eyebrows.
Amy, our Savoy Kicks member, with 1920s make-up look
The lips
The upper lip was heart-shaped with a thinner lower lip, which creates a round looking mouth.
To recreate the lips, you should start by covering your lips with foundation or concealer to get a smooth base for your lipstick. Then the best way to continue is by lining your lips with a dark lip pencil following your lip shape with light strokes, emphasizing the bend in your upper lip. After this, fill in your lips with a similar colour and your good to go. You may not want to go with the full ‘cupids bow’ but
stick to dark red shades to get the best 20s throwback, because in this decade the dark red lips was the only colour available.
The eyebrows
The eyebrows were dramatically dark, arched and much thinner than we tend to do now.
To get the 20s look: take a dark brown or black and darken your eyebrow. Try to do just a really thin and arched eyebrow, by turning your eyebrows slightly downwards with the eyebrow pencil. Extend the ends to make them look extra long.
The smokey eyes
The eye make-up in the 1920s was super-smokey, which means that with just a smudgy dark pencil you would be good to go. Or you could start off with a lighter grey shade by using this as your base and than just apply a dark eyeshadow on to your eyelids. The more dramatic, the better!
To top it off use a black eyeliner around the eyes, especially on the top lip and curl your lashes or use false lashes to make your eyes stand out even more.
If you need more inspiration for 1920s make-up looks here is the link to the Pinterest board we have created.
Louise Brooks with the popular straight bob
Greta Garbo and typical eyebrows of the 1920s
In the 1920s there were many different types of hairstyles, but the most popular ones are straight bobs or finger waves.
Finger waves
To recreate finger waves hairstyle you need a lot of hairspray and pins to hold your hair in place.
If you have longer hair start by making a bun at the nape of your neck, which should be a little bit off-center, but leave some hair out of the bun on the side with more hair on it, so you can create the finger waves.
Now comes the tricky part: Take the hair you left out of the bun and a straighters and start by clamping your iron down on that piece and do half rotation outwards, to create a little wave. Hold it for a few moments and then move a little bit down to do this process again, but this time do a half rotation inwards. Do this as long as it takes you to complete the piece you left out. Now take the pins and pin your waved hair to the side of your face, secure it with hairspray and you are finished.
You could add a 1920s hair band or other hair accessories, which were typical for the 1920s to top off your look, but this isn’t a need.
In the YouTube tutorial below another easy way to do the 1920s finger waves is shown.
If you are looking to do a faux bob, check out blog piece here. and If you need more inspiration for your perfect 1920s hair and make-up look, you can visit our Pinterest board. MyCharleston put together a board with typical hairstyles and make-up looks. If you want to have a look, simply click here.
If you manage to recreate the look, email in your pics at