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What do you learn in a Partner Charleston class?

With not one but two Partner Charleston events coming up in February, here is a glimpse of what awaits you in our upcoming workshops and courses.

Confidence in Fundamentals: Our primary focus is building your confidence in the fundamentals of Partner Charleston. From mastering the Basic Charleston steps to executing elegant turns and walking seamlessly together, we ensure you're equipped with the essential building blocks to navigate the dance floor with flair.

Crafting Your Unique Routine: But we don't just stop at the basics. Our goal is to empower you to craft your unique routine. Imagine dancing with joy, syncing your steps with the music and your partner during social dances. We aim to make every step a celebration of self-expression.

Inclusive Learning Environment: Whether you come solo or with a friend, our workshops are designed for everyone. While there will be some partner rotation, couples who attend together will stay paired during routine practice. If you come alone, fear not – we'll pair you up with a fellow student or a teacher fostering a supportive learning environment.

Key Components of Partner Charleston Masterclass:

  1. The Fundamentals: Mastering key steps, Charleston in different holds, turns, spins, and coordinated travel techniques.

  2. Lead and Follow Techniques: Clear communication and awareness are crucial in partner dancing. We guide you through simple techniques for effective leading and following.

  3. The Importance of Frame: Learn how to use your frame to connect with your partner and move as one cohesive unit.

  4. Choosing Your Next Step: Understand how to pick and choose steps that connect well, creating memorable patterns for social dancing.

  5. Dancing to Various Tempos: Practice footwork to different tempos and BPMs, discovering what suits your style best.

  6. Building Confidence on the Dancefloor: Navigate errors, cues, and frame improvements with confidence, whether in a social setting or a choreographed routine.

  7. Expressive Dancing: Unleash the playful side of Charleston by learning to use facial expressions while moving – a key element in communication during this lively dance.

If Partner Dancing resonates with you, join us:

Weekend Workshop:

  • 10th Feb

  • Time: 2-4 pm

  • Venue: Open Space Studios

  • Dive deep into the basics of 1920s Partner Charleston, an ideal Valentine's Day gift!

6 Week Course:

  • Every Thursday starting from 22nd Feb

  • Time: 6 pm

  • Venue: Open Space Studios

  • Master fundamental principles, simple turns, and create a fantastic routine for your next social event.

👯 Join as a Pair or Solo: Book your spot as a follower, a lead, or as a pair. Secure your place now via the link below